Understanding Tooth Decay And Its Prevention.

With over 2.5 million people suffering from oral dental problems, it is a major concern. One crucial and severe problem related to oral health is tooth decay. Numerous cities and villages in Illinois have competent professionals to help you deal with such dental problems. Buffalo Grove dental cleanings services offer just what you need to assist you in dealing with them.

  • What is tooth decay?

Tooth decay, also known as dental cavities, is a common diet-related dental problem or disease leading to the loss of hard minerals from baby teeth as well as adult teeth. At an early stage, it appears as a dark or white spot on the affected tooth, but as you lose more minerals, it starts developing into a hole, or what you call a “cavity.”

  • How does it occur?

It occurs due to the buildup of dental plaque consisting of millions of bacteria, and these bacteria utilize the sugar that is in your food and drinks to create the energy they require to live. And, while turning sugar into energy from themselves, they release acid as a waste product, which eventually causes mineral loss.

  • Prevention of tooth decay.

Although your saliva works to prevent tooth decay, it regularly washes sugar out of your mouth and into your stomach, preventing acid from damaging your teeth. However, it is often the case that the amount of acid generated by the bacteria outweighs the positive effect of your saliva, and thus, you need other methods or precautions to prevent tooth decay. It includes consuming a well-balanced and healthy diet, reducing consumption of sugary foods and drinks, and adding sugar to your coffee and tea to a minimum. 

Also, be conscious of packaged foods with hidden sugars; drink tap water, as in most places it contains fluoride, which protects the teeth against acid; brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly, as brushing alone would not suffice because it will not get rid of all the bacteria, sugar, and acid that buildup between your teeth. Thus, flossing is essential. Chew sugar-free chewing gum as it increases the flow of saliva in your mouth, which protects teeth from decay. Also, stay hydrated, as dehydration can reduce the amount of saliva you produce.

  • Visit a dentist.

If your tooth decay is at an early stage, it can be reversed, thus preventing further damage to your teeth. If you see symptoms that hint at tooth decay, you should visit a professional as soon as you can to prevent your teeth from forming and restrict any severe disease from forming so that you do not hesitate to smile in public.